Saturday, September 25, 2010

Why do the pages keep refreshing ?

Now a days more than 50 % of the Facebook users are having a serious problem while using Facebook .
The Facebook page keep refreshing as you are keep pressing F5 . Because of this you cannot chat and do other things on Facebook as you have enjoyed in the past . 
Most of the people are blaming their browsers for this problem but actually its a technical problem which Facebook is having these days and it is very disappointing for Facebook users because now a days Facebook have many problems and they are not trying to solve these problems nor they are replying or even reading their page discussions to know what are the problems and to solve them as soon as possible .
But the good news is that the page refreshing problem has been solved and now it is not refreshing . Hoping for better service from Facebook in future .




  1. It's not fixed for a lot of people, me included. Now wishing I hadn't joined FB except for the nice people I have met.

  2. Yeah lots of people are still facing this prob .
    But for the time being it was fixed .
    And yeah you can try some other browser , bcz not all the people are facing this problem , It might be a browsers problem .

    and and and ....
    Its very annoying and frustrating for Facebook users .. Facebook should now do something to fix these problems .

  3. I hate to burst bubbles here, but my pages are still refreshig every 30 seconds.
    How has it been fixed??
    "But the good news is that the page refreshing problem has been solved and now it is not refreshing . Hoping for better service from Facebook in future ."

  4. its not fixed for me - it just start two days ago I am so frustrated

  5. The problem is different for different people ... some of them hav been through this and some are still having this prob .. Its on Facebook when they try to fix this ...
